Author: admin

BPI Delivers Modern Balustrade Solutions for Portman Road

BPI Bespoke Project Installations is proud to have contributed to the transformation of Portman Road, home to Ipswich Town Football Club, as part of its upgrades to meet Premier League standards. Our team installed state-of-the-art Glazed Sentinel stainless steel balustrades in the Directors’ Box and over 125 metres of our signature “Glassrail” system – featuring 21.5 mm thick laminated structural glass balustrades – across the…

School Summer Holidays – Stargard Balustrade, the ideal product.

School summer holidays are the ideal time to have balustrade or handrails replaced with the minimum disruption to the school pupils and staff. BPI Bespoke Project Installations received orders, and installed, Stargard balustrade in various schools through the summer break. Stargard handrail, the ideal DDA compliant handrail, was installed in schools using each of the three baluster options available. The handrail was fitted to PVC…

Combining “Standard Products” to make a “Bespoke” balustrade.

BPI Bespoke Project Installations Ltd. have recently completed another balustrade installation which combines the “Stargard” DDA compliant handrail with “Sentinel” stainless steel balusters. The handrail is “Stargard” which has 4 mm thick, (4,000 microns), PVC sleeved over galvanised tube, fitted to “Sentinel” stainless steel, component-based balusters. The PVC handrail is available in a range of colours and is suitable for both interior and exterior applications.…

Benefits of Stainless Steel Balustrades

Choosing the right stair system for a commercial or residential building can be a daunting task due to the many options available. Stainless steel balustrades, however, are the most popular choice due to their exceptional features and benefits. Durable Throughout the construction industry, one of the most durable materials is stainless steel. Not only long lasting, stainless steel can also withstand the toughest wear and…

Stargard Installation 12 years later

Stargard blue handrail fitted to stainless steel grade 316 handrail, continues to look “as new” even after 12 years of use in an external area of a shopping centre, as this photograph taken in April this year shows. The balustrade is exposed to the English weather (sun, rain, and frost) all year round. This example is the Beaumont Shopping Centre, in Leicester. The only maintenance…

Handrails for Education

DDA compliant handrail, sleeved with 4mm thick PVC, OR, stainless Steel handrail. Both are available from BPI Project Installations Ltd. Both systems can be supplied and installed, with or without LED lighting fitted into the handrail. There is a further alternative if “something different” is preferred. Why not have colourful Stargard PVC sleeved handrail, fitted on to Sentinel stainless steel balusters making the handrail “stand…

Stronghold: A quality stainless steel handrail system

Stronghold is a high-quality stainless-steel handrail/balustrade system utilizing grade 304 stainless steel (interior applications) or grade 316 stainless steel (exterior). It can have either a bright polished or satin finish. This stylish bespoke handrail system is available with a wide variety of contemporary infill solutions including, glass, perforated metal sheet, stainless steel “running rails”, powder coated or stainless-steel bars, steel wire, wood or to a…

Another DLR handrail contract for Stargard DDA handrail.

Stargard DDA handrail complete with individual LED lights in the upper handrail, has been specified by DLR (Docklands Light Railway) for Heron Quay Station, to replace the existing powder coated handrail. The 4mm (4,000 microns) thick PVC, sleeved over galvanised steel tube, resists knocks and bumps, will not “chip”, with the colour constant through the full 4mm thickness, makes Stargard ideal for the heavy pedestrian…

Stargard DDA LED handrails

BPI Bespoke Project Installations Ltd. have been successful with a quotation for Stargard dda LED handrails on another DLR station. Double handrails (upper and lower) have been specified with individual LED lights fitted securely into the upper rail. The LED lights are angled and spaced to give the required lighting levels on to the stair treads. The handrails are to replace the existing rails at…

DDA Ramp Access handrails

Most building to which the public have access require ramp access. Many of them can be “high traffic” areas. In such locations the handrail needs to be robust, resist knocks and bumps, does not chip, be warm to the touch (or not cold to the touch), of a contrasting colour to its surroundings and have a low maintenance requirement. Stargard handrail meets all these requirements.…